Mortgage Tradelines for Sale: Boost Your Credit Score Today

Mortgage Tradelines for Sale: Boost Your Credit Score Today

Do you want to improve your credit score and qualify for better loans and interest rates? If so, you might be interested in buying mortgage tradelines for sale.

Mortgage tradelines are accounts that show your payment history on a mortgage loan. They can have a positive impact on your credit score, especially if they have a long history, a high credit limit, and a low balance.

But what if you don’t have a mortgage loan or you have a bad one? Can you still benefit from mortgage tradelines? The answer is yes, you can. You can buy mortgage tradelines for sale from other people who have good mortgage accounts and add them as authorized users to your credit report. This way, you can piggyback on their credit history and boost your score.

But how do you find and buy mortgage tradelines for sale? And what are the risks and benefits of doing so? In this article, we’ll answer these questions and more. We’ll also show you how to choose the best mortgage tradelines for sale and how to use them effectively.

What Is Tradeline for Sale?

A tradeline is an existing account that adds a positive credit history to your credit report. You may have heard that adding oneself as an authorized user for a friend or family member will help you improve your credit.

It is the same principle. However, not everyone has friends or family who have an 800 credit score and are prepared to add you to their credit card.

You probably don’t realize that anyone can add you as an authorized user. People with excellent credit are willing to add you to their good credit history temporarily.

When they add you as an authorized user, their good credit history will display on your credit report right away, saving you from having to develop your credit over several years.

What are Mortgage Tradelines for Sale?

Mortgage tradelines for sale are accounts that belong to other people who are willing to sell or rent their credit history to you. They are also known as authorized user tradelines because you are added as an authorized user to their account.

When you buy a mortgage tradeline for sale, you don’t get access to the actual account or the loan. You only get the benefit of having the account show up on your credit report as if you were a co-borrower or a co-signer.

This can help you improve your credit score in several ways:

  • It can increase your credit age, which is the average age of your accounts. The older your accounts are, the better for your score.
  • It can increase your credit mix, which is the diversity of your accounts. Having different types of credit, such as revolving and installment, can boost your score.
  • It can lower your credit utilization, which is the ratio of your balances to your limits. The lower your utilization is, the better your score.
  • It can add a positive payment history, which is the most important factor for your score. Having a record of on-time payments can improve your score.
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However, buying mortgage tradelines for sale is not a guarantee of success. There are some risks and drawbacks that you need to be aware of:

  • It can be expensive, depending on the quality and quantity of the tradelines you buy. Some tradelines can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per month.
  • It can be temporary, depending on the duration of the tradeline. Some tradelines can last for a few months or years, while others can be removed at any time by the original account holder.
  • It can be ineffective, depending on the relevance and compatibility of the tradeline. Some tradelines can have little or no impact on your score, especially if they are not related to your credit profile or goals.
  • It can be illegal, depending on the source and method of the tradeline. Some tradelines can be fraudulent or stolen, which can get you in trouble with the law or the credit bureaus.

Therefore, you need to be careful and smart when buying mortgage tradelines for sale. You need to do your research, compare your options, and verify the legitimacy of the tradeline provider.

Do I Need Seasoned Mortgage Tradelines For Sale?

Many primary mortgage tradelines for sale appear to be closed, in default, or, in the worst-case scenario, stolen identity accounts. The FICO algorithm favors customers with open tradelines in good standing over those with a diverse credit profile.

An example is someone with only four open credit accounts, a perfect payment history, and a credit score of 760 or above. Another person had four credit accounts – a mortgage loan, an auto loan, a credit card, and a personal loan – but no perfect payment history with a credit score ranging from 400 to 600.

How to Find and Buy Mortgage Tradelines for Sale

There are many ways to find and buy mortgage tradelines for sale, but not all of them are safe and reliable. Here are some of the most common sources and methods of buying mortgage tradelines for sale:

  • Friends and family: You can ask your friends and family members who have good mortgage accounts if they are willing to add you as an authorized user. This is the cheapest and easiest way to buy mortgage tradelines for sale, but it can also be risky. You need to trust them to keep paying their loan on time and not remove you without notice. You also need to make sure that their account is compatible with your credit profile and goals.
  • Online platforms: You can use online platforms that connect buyers and sellers of mortgage tradelines like TrustPilot. These platforms can offer a variety of tradelines from different lenders, credit limits, ages, and prices. They can also handle the payment and verification process for you. However, you need to be careful about the quality and legitimacy of the tradelines and the platform. You need to check the reviews, ratings, and reputation of the tradeline provider and the platform. You also need to read the terms and conditions and the refund policy carefully.
  • Brokers and agencies: You can hire brokers or agencies that specialize in finding and buying mortgage tradelines for you. These brokers or agencies can have access to a large network of tradeline providers and can negotiate the best deals for you. They can also offer guidance and support throughout the process. However, you need to pay a fee or a commission for their service, which can add to the cost of the tradeline. You also need to check the credentials, experience, and track record of the broker or agency.
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No matter which source or method you choose, you need to do your enhanced due diligence and make sure that the mortgage tradeline for sale is legitimate, relevant, and beneficial for you.

How to Choose the Best Mortgage Tradelines for Sale

Not all mortgage tradelines for sale are created equal. Some tradelines can have a bigger and faster impact on your credit score than others. Therefore, you need to choose the best mortgage tradelines for sale that suit your needs and budget.

Here are some of the factors that you need to consider when choosing mortgage tradelines for sale:

  • Credit limit: The credit limit is the maximum amount that the account holder can borrow on the mortgage loan. The higher the credit limit is, the better for your credit score because it can lower your credit utilization and show your creditworthiness.
  • Age: The age is the length of time that the account has been open and active. The older the age is, the better for your credit score because it can increase your credit age and show your credit stability.
  • Balance: The balance is the amount that the account holder owes on the mortgage loan. The lower the balance is, the better for your credit score, because it can lower your credit utilization and show your credit responsibility.
  • Payment history: The payment history is the record of the account holder’s payments on the mortgage loan. The more positive the payment history is, the better for your credit score because it can add a positive payment history and show your credit reliability.
  • Lender: The lender is the financial institution that issued the mortgage loan. The more reputable and recognizable the lender is, the better for your credit score, because it can increase your credit mix and show your credit diversity.
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You need to balance these factors and find the mortgage tradelines for sale that have the optimal combination of credit limit, age, balance, payment history, and lender. You also need to consider the price and the duration of the tradeline and make sure that they are reasonable and affordable for you.

How to Use Mortgage Tradelines for Sale Effectively

Buying mortgage tradelines for sale is not enough to improve your credit score. You also need to use them effectively and strategically. Here are some of the tips and best practices that you need to follow when using mortgage tradelines for sale:

  • Buy multiple tradelines: Buying one tradeline may not be enough to boost your credit score significantly. You may need to buy multiple tradelines from different lenders, credit limits, ages, and balances to create a more diverse and robust credit profile.
  • Buy relevant tradelines: Buying tradelines that are not related to your credit profile or goals may not help you much. You need to buy tradelines that are relevant to your credit situation and objectives. For example, if you want to buy a house, you need to buy mortgage tradelines that have similar loan amounts, interest rates, and terms as the house you want to buy.
  • Buy timely tradelines: Buying tradelines that are too old or too new may not have the desired effect on your credit score. You need to buy tradelines that are timely and appropriate for your credit history and plans. For example, if you have a short credit history, you need to buy tradelines that are at least two years old to increase your credit age. If you have a long credit history, you need to buy tradelines that are less than six months old to show your recent credit activity.
  • Monitor your credit report: Buying tradelines does not guarantee that they will show up on your credit report. You need to monitor your credit report regularly and make sure that the tradelines are posted correctly and accurately. You also need to check for any errors or discrepancies that may affect your credit score negatively.
  • Maintain your credit: Buying tradelines is not a substitute for maintaining your credit. You still need to pay your bills on time, keep your balances low, apply for new credit sparingly, and dispute any errors on your credit report. You also need to be prepared for the possibility that the tradelines may be removed or stop reporting at any time.


Mortgage tradelines for sale, just like auto tradelines, are a powerful tool that can help you improve your credit score and qualify for better loans and interest rates. However, they are not a magic bullet that can fix your credit overnight. You need to be careful and smart when buying and using mortgage tradelines for sale.

You need to do your research, compare your options, and verify the legitimacy of the tradeline provider. You also need to choose the best mortgage tradelines for sale that suit your needs and budget. And you need to use them effectively and strategically, along with maintaining your credit.

Stay tuned!

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