How Tradelines Can Save You Thousands of Dollars to Buy a Car

How Tradelines Can Save You Thousands of Dollars to Buy a Car

If you are planning to buy a car soon, you might be wondering how to get the best deal possible. You might have heard of tradelines, but do you know how they can help you save money to buy a car with your car loan? In this article, you will learn what tradelines are, how they work, and how they can help you buy a car with a lower interest rate and a shorter repayment term.

What are Tradelines?

Tradelines are credit accounts that appear on your credit report. They include information such as the account type, the credit limit, the balance, the payment history, and the status. Tradelines can be either positive or negative, depending on how you manage them. Positive tradelines can boost your credit score, while negative tradelines can lower it.

Tradelines can be either primary or authorized users. Primary tradelines are accounts that you own and are responsible for. Authorized user tradelines are accounts that belong to someone else, but you are added as a user. This means that you can use the account, but you are not liable for the payments.

How do Tradelines Work?

Tradelines work by transferring the credit history and the age of the account from the original owner to the authorized user. This means that if you are added as an authorized user to a tradeline that has a high credit limit, a low balance, a long history, and a perfect payment record, you can benefit from those positive factors and increase your credit score to be able to buy a car.

However, not all tradelines are created equal. Some tradelines are more effective than others, depending on the following factors:

  • The credit limit: The higher the credit limit, the better. A high credit limit can lower your credit utilization ratio, which is the percentage of your available credit that you use. A lower credit utilization ratio can improve your credit score.
  • The balance: The lower the balance, the better. A low balance can also lower your credit utilization ratio and boost your credit score.
  • The age: The older the age, the better. An old age can increase your credit history length, which is the average age of your credit accounts. A longer credit history can improve your credit score.
  • The payment history: The more positive the payment history, the better. A positive payment history can show that you are a responsible borrower who pays on time and in full. A good payment history can improve your credit score to help you buy a car.
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How can Tradelines Help You Buy a Car?

Tradelines can help you buy a car by improving your credit score and making you more attractive to lenders. A higher credit score can increase your chances of getting approved for a car loan to buy a car and also help you get a lower interest rate and a shorter repayment term. This can save you thousands of dollars in interest and fees over the life of the loan.

For example, let’s say you want to buy a car that costs $20,000. You have a credit score of 600, which is considered poor. You apply for a car loan and get an interest rate of 15% and a repayment term of 60 months. This means that you will pay $475 per month and $8,500 in total interest.

Now, let’s say you buy a tradeline that has a credit limit of $10,000, a balance of $1,000, an age of 10 years, and a perfect payment history. You are added as an authorized user to this tradeline, and your credit score increases to 700, which is good. You apply for the same car loan and get an interest rate of 5% and a repayment term of 48 months. This means that you will pay $461 per month and $2,128 in total interest.

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As you can see, by using a tradeline, you can save $14 per month and $6,372 in total interest on your car loan to buy a car. That’s a huge difference!

Where Can You Buy Tradelines?

Tradelines can be bought from various sources, such as:

  • Friends or family members: You can ask your friends or family members who have good credit to add you as an authorized user to their accounts. This is a low-cost and low-risk way to get tradelines, but it depends on the availability and willingness of your contacts.
  • Online platforms: You can buy tradelines from online platforms that connect tradeline sellers and buyers. These platforms usually have a large inventory of tradelines to choose from, and they also provide customer service and support. However, they can be expensive and risky, as some platforms may sell fake or fraudulent tradelines that can harm your credit score or get you in legal trouble. So verify from sources like Trustpilot before you go in and do business with these tradeline companies.
  • Credit repair companies: You can buy tradelines from credit repair companies that offer tradeline services as part of their credit repair packages. These companies usually have access to quality tradelines and they also provide other credit repair services, such as disputing errors, removing negative items, and negotiating settlements. However, they can also be costly and unreliable, as some companies may charge upfront fees, make false promises, or use illegal tactics.
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How to Choose the Best Tradelines

When buying tradelines, you should consider the following factors:

  • The price: You should compare the prices of different tradelines and choose the ones that fit your budget and your goals. You should also avoid paying upfront fees or hidden charges, and look for discounts or deals.
  • The quality: You should check the quality of the tradelines and choose the ones that have high credit limits, low balances, old ages, and positive payment histories. You should also avoid tradelines that have negative items, such as late payments, collections, or charge-offs.
  • The reliability: You should verify the reliability of the tradelines and choose the ones that are genuine and legitimate. You should also avoid tradelines that are fake or fraudulent, such as those that belong to deceased people, stolen identities, or synthetic identities.
  • The compatibility: You should ensure the compatibility of the tradelines and choose the ones that match your credit profile and your needs. You should also avoid tradelines that are too different from your own accounts, such as those that have vastly different credit limits, balances, ages, or payment histories.


Tradelines can be a powerful tool to help you buy a car with a lower interest rate and a shorter repayment term. By adding positive tradelines to your credit report, you can boost your credit score and save money on your car loan to buy a car.

However, you should be careful when buying tradelines, as not all tradelines are equal, and some tradelines can be costly, risky, or ineffective. You should do your research, compare your options, and work with reputable sources to get the best tradelines for your situation.

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